The Building Blocks of Fiction
Course Information Page
10 weeks live tuition online

A course about how you write rather than what you write. 
This course is about the craft of writing, those tricks and techniques writers use to engage readers in their words on the page. Our focus will be on writing craft rather than story, plot or structure. We will be concerned with process rather than product, with trying things out and gauging the effect.

About your tutor: Kath Morgan
Make a note for 2024

When: 06 January to 23 March
Sessions: 10 x 2.5 hours
Day of Week: Saturday
Time:10.00am to 12.30pm
Venue: Zoom

Forum: Online
Tutor Feedback: Plenty
Price:  £475

Course Programme 2024

Saturday Mornings - 10.00am to 12.30pm
Dates 2024

06 January
13 January
- - - - -
27 January
03 February
10 February
17 February
24 February
02 March
- - - - -
16 March
23 March
Session Focus

Week 1:   Introduction and Character
Week 2:   Setting
BREAK     - - - - -
Week 3:   Dialogue
Week 4:   Point of View 
Week 5:   Showing and Telling
Week 6:   Foreshadowing 
Week 9:   Flashback
Week 8:   Basic Structure
BREAK    - - - - -
Week 9:   Language One
Week 10: Language Two
Each week you'll spend two and half hours on Zoom with your tutor and peers, discussing and practising an aspect of the craft of writing fiction.

You will enjoy 24 hour access to an online Forum throughout the course, where you can post work for comment by both your tutor and your peers. 
Our clients tell us the thing they most value is personal feedback on their work, so you'll get a generous level of feedback throughout this course. 

All live sessions will be recorded and sent to you to keep, so if you miss a class, or feel you'd like to go through a learning point again, you can.

If you have any questions about this course, send us an email at and we'll get back to you. We promise, we don't bite here at The Writing Retreat, not even Becks, our writing retreat dog. 

The Writing Retreat

If you have any questions about courses, retreats or other writing related subjects,
drop us an email and we'll get back to you.